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Customized Frequency Merkaba

The light teams that support the work of Quantum Harmonization , in order to assist in the energy balance of the children who are part of this egrégora, made this work available that allows children who wish to have their own personalized light merkaba.

This merkaba is channeled through the connection with the applicant's mentors, where a tool for individual use is available that can be used in anchoring, meditations, as a logo for energy work and or self-service.  Its use will be according to the user's intuition. Always remembering that the way we act, think and live is the basis of energetic emanation and support of connections.

The merkaba will be shipped in  PDF and PNG electronic format so that the applicant can print as he or she prefers.

Welcome to yet another way to stay connected with your mentors and with this egregore of peace, light and harmony.

To purchase your custom Merkaba  click here !  

Any questions? Ask here!  

Do you know what a Merkaba is?

Merkaba is a vehicle of light that can be accessed by humans, capable of transporting the spirit (and in more advanced stages even the physical body) to other dimensions.

Merkaba are Egyptian words that mean: MER – Light, Ka – spirit and Ba – body.
The merkaba is a rotational field of light, generated by the rotation of specific geometric shapes, which positively and simultaneously affects our spirit and our body. It is a vehicle that can help the mind, body and spirit to uplift and experience other planes of reality, other life potentials. Effectively, the merkaba is much more than that. The merkaba is a tool that helps us reach our full potential. It is a crystalline energy field that is made up of specific sacred geometries, which align the mind with the body and the heart. This energy field created from Sacred Geometry, extends around the body to a distance of about 20 meters. These geometric energy fields normally rotate around our body at a speed close to the speed of light, but for most of us they have slowed down or stopped rotating altogether, due to lack of attention and use.
  Little by little, “secrets” of the Etheric Planes are being revealed to accelerate our evolution, as we do not have much time, and working with sacred geometry allows us to obtain an acceleration of all our subtle bodies, our past and parallel lives.  The sacred geometric shapes contain key codes that will awaken in you the Sacred Ascension codes, codes that have been dormant for centuries in the field of human DNA. As you meditate on these sacred forms that are drawn to you, your dormant codes will experience a massive awakening. Some of you have been experiencing this without consciously realizing it.  Science has long ago proved that our bodies are geometrically designed systems. Our subconscious recognizes the complex symbols of Sacred Geometry that have been used since time immemorial.  We have many symbols that contain portions of sacred geometry encodings. Reiki, for example, has several symbols that, when used, promote well-being and even accelerate the healing process for many. But, far beyond what a symbol is capable of accomplishing, is the intention of who is using or manipulating the energy. Love will always be the greatest expression of connection with the other when using any symbol. The symbols are actually merkabas with sacred geometry.

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