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Connections and Masters

Quebra de Paradigma: Bem-vindo

Yanko Hanin - Orion Federation

Yanko Hanin belongs to the Karmic Council of the star system of the star of Betelgeuse, but during many time cycles of this sector, he acted in the regency  colonial administration in Mintaka and Alnilan, which are two of the Three-Marys, which was the supporter of the Rose Fraternity of Orion, created and sustained by the energy of the Ancient of days Metraton. From this sector, Commander Shonthor has acted and helped in the evaluation processes and Operation Rescue for the children of Orion's sector on Earth. Here, the joint work between Yanko Hanin and Shonthor is interconnected and important developments occur in their tasks. As Former Emperor of Orion's Many Worlds, he was  a   important  regent and  warrior who also knew duality and is carrying out a rescue work with his children and his descendants of Orion, present in the cycle of life on and off Earth. Our well-known Exu Marabô (Yanko Hanin), who is responsible for many political aspects of the Orion Federation, is an important example, as the constellation of Orion is not just what  if  believe  what  be  when the  we look  at the  sky  from the earth,  with  base  in the  Three Marys,

Betelgeuse, Rigel and other clusters. This sector is very rich in stellar matter and huge clouds of star formation and interstellar portals to other universes, in addition to having countless sectors of timelines unfolded in hundreds of planets and star clusters. We could say that Orion is a  small open galaxy, in which there are developments far beyond the Theta sector.

Yanko Hanin has important roles in these developments, as each known sector of the constellation of Orion visually detectable from Earth, has several races beyond the human species. In Rigel's sector we have more than 715 different species derived from the reptilian matrix, more than 328 derivations from the insectoid line, 3 branches of the adamic species, 16 humanoid lines, purely energetic life forms and symbionts, in addition to parasitic forms of spiritual life, with the majority being between 3D to 7D, which creates a gradient of unfoldings far above average. For this reason, the unfolding that this exu and its THRONE sustain and interact with other exus, making its mystery very controversial. What is known about this throne is very broad and, at the same time, in many ways agrees with other sources, as it is a very broad THRONE that sustains stellar and political conditioning of high gradient. For this reason, there is a high number of entities that represent this sector of the quadrant to which the Earth belongs. It is important to note that the Milky Way has  spiral-shaped arms and each of them has a name, and Orion is to which we belong. Sagittarius and Perseus are the other two directly adjacent to our arm, and hence the ease with which people get confused.

Inamara Kolongue Ori - Federation of Canopus

Priestess and teacher Inamara Kolongue Ori is one of the main rescuers of hundreds of priestesses on Earth and in temples during the wars of Marduk and his family members and with the other groups of the 22 delegations. She currently supports an awakening project for her former daughters and disciples, as well as helping to break spells and contracts of submission to the Anunaki and other fallen angels of the past. Here come many renegade groups, such as the XOPATZ, ALFA-DRACOS, CITRAKS, DRACOS DE VEGA and DRACOS from PLEIADES, BUGS from ZETA and ALTAIR 3, LAURINS and BUGS from ANTARES and SHAULLA, which are some of the rebels.  From  conflicts that triggered several situations that negatively affected the humanity of Atlantis and, consequently, other later civilizations. The Canopus group decided to intervene and generate, together with the White Fraternity of the Earth, with the help of other groups and Sanat Kumara, an ascension project using the imbalances generated by the renegades and with that, instead of creating a new war, which negatively the humanity of Atlantis and, consequently, other later civilizations. The Canopus group decided to intervene and generate, together with the White Fraternity of the Earth,  with  The  help  in  others

groups and Sanat Kumara, an ascension project using the imbalances generated by the renegades and with that, instead of creating a new war, taking advantage of the guidelines of the renegades to generate a long-term plan for awakening and separating the wheat and the chaff. This plan is still in progress and was developed in partnership with all the groups that were part of the connection between the masters of the federations and the elohim and priests of the Intergalactic Confederation and the secret groups of Nebadon, along with Micah. Through this project, several portals between the different realities were opened and controlled by the Throne of Rosa Skull (Inamara Kolongue Ori) and other lebaras (Pomba Gira), with Padilha Caveira and Rosa holding different segments and encodings for the stellar commands of way they began to manage spies on the thresholds and in the enemy empires, which led to the loss of a range of their disciples who were trapped in the threshold. For this reason, a portion ended up being negative and started to control the threshold and cemeteries in a negative way and to use the energy of magic for their strengthening. As a result, the threshold has many good souls lost in suffering, due to the feeling of guilt that resides in them. For this reason we can find phalanges with a more intense umbral character than others, because in the past they were lost and were cloned. At the moment, there is a large part of Operation Rescue on the threshold to free these souls and qualify the clones, in a loving and practical criterion of how to solve this situation with their original monads and I Am. The Throne of Rosa Skull (Inamara) and other groups are part of a new energy of help in Operation Rescue and in the awakening of new beings that still need the support of this and other thrones.

Source book "Orixá Reiki 1" - Rodrigo Romo

access codes  

Next, we have some access codes to other structures, called by us as "planetary", however during the exercises, we will automatically make direct or indirect connections with some intra earth "cities", and most of the time, for many, with Shamballa and Agartha.

WARNING:  The purpose of this work is to help you in your consciential awakening, strengthening individual verticalization and for that, it is FUNDAMENTAL that you first develop the connection with the teams of each of you. The activation energy of the codes is very strong, and it is risky to do it in an amateur way, and it can amplify the holograms in your neural network, bringing discomfort in physical reality and disturbing dreams. Practice grounding first and then activate the codes. The support of this work will be carried out by the team of each of you connected with Yanko Hanin and Inamara Cologue Ori.  


After making your grounding,visualize yourself in the center of the merkaba (image below). The top of the merkaba rotating clockwise and the bottom counterclockwise. Allow, as the colors appear, to alternate and resonate with your energy at the time of the exercise. Take a deep breath, visualizing the colors change. After about 10 or 15 minutes, ask your teams to tell you which connection should be made. Then repeat the access code, in the form of a mantra, until you see that the connection is established. The duration of this exercise may vary according to the need at the time of activation.


Acturus: Daman 27; Velatropa 23; Alpha Tango; Sail Yarus Mars 5; Maldek Jordan 7

Alnilan: Metra Gamma Orionis 77.82; Auga Zomeris 132.56; Alnilan Alpha Gamaris 72

Antares: Aruabyz 4; Morphanel 23; Moraphaz 8; Scorpon zeta mora 77; Anunnak 32-Water; Domilus 4. Aquila borramis 33-HK-8; Aquila Jurax 33-FY; Here there              Vandek 2; Atrix centauri 214; Argas 77,397; Sagon Orbal 33; Auriga beta tangozebre 478.9, Tancal berax 235; Azafir delta 4; Azafir omega 7;            Belal Zorna 48.

Betelgeuse: Orionis gamma alpha 48; Orionis zone tantara 31

Canopus: Adamik 001 Beta Zaran; Orgal 34; Ever 66; Koma 8-Y-6B; Pipes Japur 25; Alnilan Alpha Gamaris 36

Mintaka: Mantara neuruba 23; Zone tantalum 426; Zone raza 9; Mintaka salubis jaramy 546.8; Zamir 81.6 beta 4

Mimosa: Chevaneck 7; Akrabis 1-T-77; Monera alpha 1,3,5,23; Monmatia 23; Velatropa 23-Beta Acturus; Zeran 25; Monmatia 3-T; Gangis zone 6; Gangis               zone  8; Norgal zone 88 alpha; Nebula Scorpion tantalus 4; nebula tantalus corga 2

Pleiades  (Alcyone): Jomar 11; Adamis 33; Carpel 22 delta; predict 10

Sirius: Alpha Omega Zorion 33; Beta Sorion 57; Sirius range 87,313

Source: Rodrigo Romo

Merkaba for beginners who have not yet developed their own merkaba



Link to knowledge and connection with some mentors:

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Drunvalo Melchizedck









I share this work by Druvalo Melchizedek to help mainly Brazilians who are awakening and who sometimes end up getting lost and being confused by false teachers. Enjoy the video and stay firm in your awakening process.


Drunvalo Melchizedek is a spiritual master from the USA, physicist, mathematician and expert in the secret Sacred Geometry, presenting his works and discoveries in his workshops for 27 years with students and disciples in more than 60 countries. He studied with more than 70 masters, worked with the Egyptian government in the study of the pyramids of Giza and leads communication between many tribes around the world and the civilized world, including the Mayans. He currently works giving workshops on spiritual techniques in the USA and in more than 33 countries. He was the first person in the world of our era to mathematically and geometrically unravel the body of light known in ancient times as Merkaba, one of his main techniques taught in his workshops. Author of 4 books on mystical knowledge and spirituality.


In the video below he describes part of his mystical experiences working with the construction of the Planetary Grid and the awakening of the Earth's Kundalini in the process between the years 2002 to 2015 along with indigenous tribes around the world. Counting from events prior to the fall of Atlantis 13,000 years ago to the present day, passing through ancient Egypt.

Access link:

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Birth of a New Humanity (Subtitled PT-BR)


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